Lucas' Birthday Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 2, 2009


As the days get longer and hotter, the flies are starting to invade homes in droves!!!! I heard that boiling cinnamon sticks in water helps keep the flies away. But I'd need to keep that pot boiling all day...
One good thing about the flies is it keeps Lucas entertained for a while as he gets occupied trying to chase the flies and touch them and calling them BEE :)

I was happy to find this morning cool and rainy! Its a big change from the past few nights of sweltering heat. I've been keeping the shades on the windows to keep the heat away but still it's been hard to sleep. We cannot open the huge windows in the bedroom as our apartment is next to the road. The windows are double glazed and keep the noise out.

Anyway yesterday we went to buy 2 fans :) so we all slept well and today is rainy so Lucas will again nap well this afternoon.

New word from Lucas - BOB. When he wants to watch Bob the Builder, he says BOB!
And he's fascinated with the new fan we bought and is trying to say FAN.

Its July already!!!! Time really flies. Fred reminded me today is Thursday (in my mind I was still in a time warp and stuck on Tuesday...)
This weekend I am hoping to go to an Asian grocery in Pau. I hope that place has not closed down! And I hope that its got a wide array of Asian food stuff so I can get my cili padi, belacan, cincalok, taufu pok (BKT is NOT the same without the taufu pok!!!!), dark soya sauce...

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