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Friday, August 20, 2010

Screaming toddler

Lucas has discovered another way to irritate us - screaming. No longer does he throw tantrums (i.e full body slam on the floor, legs kicking, arms waving, crying), no, now he realizes that his tantrums will not get him anywhere. He recently started screaming and crying at the same time; especially when its time to take his nap. Yesterday he screamed non stop for 25 minutes before falling asleep at 4.30 pm and woke up grumpy. Today I decided to put him to bed earlier (I think he's acting up cos he's tired), and we put Lucas to bed at 12.30 pm. He cried and screamed (Fred says his ears are ringing....) for about 10 minutes before he calmed down but he didn't fall asleep til an hour later. Instead everytime we thought he'd fallen asleep, he would call out to one of us. And when we didn't take him out of his cot he would start crying again. This went on another 2 times and then, total silence.

I know I need to curb the screaming habit but ignoring his screams do not seem to work; neither does he listen when I tell him to use his normal voice. What can I do? Any suggestions? Will he grow out of it? Do I just let it be for now? Lucas goes to school in the next 2 weeks and I worry he will start screaming in school...

1 comment:

  1. Explain everything clearly to him but try not to surrender ,let him scream at the end he will understand that it won't gain him anything :D

