Lucas' Birthday Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lucas at 26 months

Yesterday was unseasonably warm so I decided to take Lucas out to town, to get some fresh air. Lucas is still coughing and has a cold but I bundled him up well. It was 14 degrees when we were out, and when we came home it was 16 degrees - what bliss :)

Lucas has been changing a lot since his 2nd birthday 2 months ago. I noticed that for the past couple of weeks now he's very well behaved especially when we go out.
At the doctor's recently, Lucas played with his toys quietly sitting on his stroller while waiting for the doctor. And in the doctor's office, he was babbling to the doctor, and even voluntarily climbed onto his stroller (but I suspect that's cos he really wanted to leave the doctor's office).

Yesterday we went for a walk and then adjourned to Simply Food for a croissant and some playtime for Lucas. He was cooperative, and happy - even though his new playmate didn't want to play with him. There was another couple there with an older kid (4 yrs old) whom Lucas kept trying to play with. One moment, the other kid stopped playing to eat his chocolatine at his parents' table and Lucas stood 3 feet away getting ready to launch a ball onto the kid and the table ladened with coffee drinks. I told Lucas "stop, do not throw that ball" , he looked at me and then put the ball down. That was a first!
At the post office, Lucas was patiently waiting with me even though there was a queue - normally he would have protested really loudly but not this time.

I've also noticed that Lucas is talking more clearly now, and is repeating words from me, his papa and Barney! He is also saying more french words - encore, au revoir, merci, oui and is trying to say coucher - thanks to the talking robot dog that Lucas got for Christmas.
His latest new English word is "why?"

This morning Lucas and I went to the Thurday markets and as the vendor was bidding me au revoir, Lucas repeated the same to her :)

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