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Friday, May 22, 2009

baby food & yoghurt

Yesterday was another public holiday in France - unlike Malaysia, when it is a PH, everything is closed. Including the neighborhood TMC! That's one thing that I need to get used to - stocking up on groceries before PH and weekends. (Everything is closed on Sundays as well)

The weather was cloudy and cold so we had to cancel our picnic. Instead, Boo and I had a long afternoon nap whilst Fred worked on his computer. When Boo woke up, it was already 530 pm, so we brought him to the playground nearby. Lucas loves the slide! The higher the better, it seems. And he was happy to have lots of kids surrounding him.

Fred bought Lucas a baby high chair and its pretty convenient for me to leave him in the high chair whilst I potter around the house. This Chicco high chair has adjustable height and is sturdy enough that he can stnd in the chair without toppling over. Imagine my surprise 2 days ago when, after I put Lucas on his chair, he sauntered into the kitchen with that cheeky grin of his! He managed to climb down from his chair (lowest height is still 3 feet off the ground!) and looked proud as a peacock that he managed to do it all by himself!

Yesterday Fred & I had Cassoulet for lunch - my first time trying this dish from Toulouse. I have to say it was kinda bland. Looked like baked beans and sausages but not as tasty!!!!!
Lucas had cereal mixed with baby spaghetti bolognase. The baby food here are abundant in variety! There is even an artichoke dish for babies. Just like the yoghurt here - I think it will take me at least 6 months to get through all the flavors they offer here. So far, my favourite one has chunks (and I mean CHUNKS) of pineapples in it. That same brand also comes in plain vanilla, coconut, strawberries, peach, RHUBARB, mango and flavorless.

A couple of days ago, when Lucas was taking his bath, in that 1 split second I turned away to adjust my fake eyelash in the mirror, he slipped as he stood up to reach for the shampoo bottle and bit his inner lip! That was really scary for me as he started crying and I turned to see his mouth filled with blood! And he wouldn't open his mouth to show me where he'd hurt himself. But the crying stopped as soon as I dried him off and he was back to normal, eating and drinking as usual - thank God! That was a wake up call for me - now when he's in the tub, I will give him 100% focus.
Poor boy, had his lower lip swollen cos of that slip for the past 2 days. This morning it looks much much better.

Fred is off this weekend - yay! Finally I will get to go to the shops in town and do some shopping before we go away for the weekend...

I checked who won AI this morning. Kris Allen the dark horse, the underdog. That comes as no surprise for me cos I had a feeling that he'd win after watching the final performances online last night. His rendition of the winning song was better than Adam's. Anyway, Adam is a sure superstar on his own. He doesn't need this win. I'm sure he will be coming up with an album soon. If Kris had not won, he would have maybe faded off into obscurity.... kinda like Clay Aiken.....

1 comment:

  1. hahaha... Roni, why is your fake eyelashes on? Want to look good even you are at home? :) Poor BooBoo... now got his lower lips swollen...
